Primary School

Primary School

On entry to Prep (KG2), AIS Dubai children commence the Australian Curriculum. This curriculum forms the basis of all stages of our Primary School through to Year 6, and continues in the Secondary School from Year 7 to 10.

Junior Primary School - Prep to Year 2

The foundational years of learning from Prep through to Year 2 are vital in developing the building blocks of student literacy, numeracy and most importantly, their lifelong love of learning. The Australian International School Dubai understands that children bring unique interests and abilities to the classroom and in response have developed a student-led strengths based approach to teaching and learning within a nurturing and caring environment. Our highly qualified, friendly and professional teachers are dedicated to providing the best possible educational outcomes and experiences for our students using this approach within the Australian Curriculum framework. 

During Prep to Year 2, priority within the Australian Curriculum is given to the development of literacy and numeracy as the foundational elements to all other learning. Students are exposed to and supported in enjoying a wide range of literature whilst engaging in listening, reading, viewing, speaking and writing activities. Strategies for beginning reading and writing, spelling and expanding students’ vocabulary are explicitly taught during Prep to Year 2. Mathematically students are introduced to a sense of number, order, sequence, pattern and position, as well as mathematical symbols and language.  Simple strategies to pose, investigate and solve simple, mathematical problems are explored.

For a comprehensive explanation of the Australian Curriculum priorities and aims, please visit the website here:

Within each year level, the following specific learning experiences are given:


Prep students are encourage to develop their independence and learn how to be a ‘learner’ within a slightly more formal classroom setting than that experienced in the AIS Dubai ELC. Learning however, is still based around inquiry and developing a love of learning through student strengths. Oral language in particular is promoted and developed in students as the basis of beginning reading and writing skills. Exciting, thought provoking learning experiences are given in English, Maths, Science, Humanities (history and Geography) and Health. Students also participate in weekly Art, Music, Physical Education and Swimming lessons, where the promotion and development of students’ creativity and their fine and gross motor skills are prioritised and developed.

Prep is also an important developmental stage in the social and personal skills of students. Scheduled ‘play’ times throughout the school day allow students to practice these skills, learning how to play cooperatively, take turns, share and resolve peer conflict.

Please note that the following links refer to Prep as the Foundation Year according to the Australian National Curriculum. Further in depth information can be found via these links:

Content for Foundation

Achievement on a Page: Foundation

Year 1

Building on the oral language skills learnt in Prep, Year 1 students focus on becoming more capable beginning readers and writers. Emotional and social development is encouraged, with students learning the foundations of positive wellbeing and strengths-based learning, as well as how to be a positive friend and contributor to their own learning and that of their peers.

The subjects of English, Maths, Science, Humanities (History and Geography) and Health are investigated, with students introduced to project based learning and research skills in Science. Learning is structured both independently and collaboratively through small group work to investigate the world around them. Students use ICT’s in their learning, interacting with Google Classroom and various online tools.

Further in depth information can be found via these links

Content for Year 1 

Achievement on a Page: Year 1

Year 2

Continuing with the foundations of learning, AIS Dubai students in Year 2 are encouraged to begin developing independence and are introduced to basic responsibilities for their own learning. Literacy and numeracy continue to be a major focus, with the gentle honing and development of reading skills to allow for the next step in comprehension along with more complex and abstract concepts introduced in Mathematics.

As students grow in maturity and independence, collaborative teamwork and hands on activities become a more regular part of classroom lessons.  The student inquiry and teacher led experiences in the learning areas of Humanities (History and Geography), Health and Science become more purposeful, relevant and relational to the children’s lives. ICT and Google Classroom continues to be used during lessons to complement some class activities and to extend students where possible, further assisting the development of the knowledge and skills needed for their journey to success in our increasingly digital world.

Further in depth information can be found via these links

Content for Year 2 

Achievement on a Page: Year 2

Upper Primary - Years 3 to 6

With a strong focus on literacy, numeracy and well-being during the primary years, the Australian International School is exceptionally positioned to help its students reach for the stars.  Teachers and staff at the AISD believe in the individual strengths, interests and abilities of each and every student, with rigorous data collection through observation and testing allowing for a comprehensive and consistent view of individual progress.  

Combining this with our warm and caring staff, excellent teaching programs based within the Australian Curriculum, high safety standards and classrooms and playgrounds, the AIS Dubai continues to encourage the development of resilient, lifelong learners experienced in Junior Primary School.

The Australian Curriculum throughout Years 3 to 6 remains focused on developing numeracy and literacy, as well as students’ ability to take positive action for well-being, communicate well with others, pose questions and solve problems whilst making informed decisions and acting responsibly.

For a comprehensive explanation of the Australian Curriculum priorities and aims, please visit the website here:

Years 3 and 4

Building on the nurturing foundations taught in Prep to Year 2, students in Years 3 and 4 are encouraged to further develop their independence and responsibilities within the classroom whilst literacy and numeracy remains a priority with more complex and abstract concepts steadily introduced. In literacy, students become more confident in oral and written language, enabling them to move from learning to read to reading to learn, a major distinction. Teamwork and hands on activities help not only to develop students’ social skills, but are crucial in allowing independent investigation and problem solving in a fun and exciting setting. The link between home and school is forged here also through the key learning areas of  History, Health and Science, where learning episodes are focused on personally relevant experiences, further attuning student understanding. At this stage, ICT is used within the classroom to complement and extend student learning.

An excellent summary for parents of the Australian Curriculum aims for Years 3-4 can be found here:

Australian Curriculum aims for Years 3 - 4

Further in depth information for each year level can be found via these links:

Content for Year 3

Achievement on a Page: Year 3

Content for Year 4 

Achievement on a Page: Year 4

Year 5 and 6

In Years 5 and 6 we continue to build on students’ independent learning skills.  Using higher order thinking techniques, students apply knowledge and understanding across all subject areas, as well as develop problem solving skills to use in new situations.  In order to prepare students for life in the Secondary School; self management of homework, assessment and accountability for learning tools are a focal point. There is a strong use of ICT and Google classroom as a learning platform in class and at home.

Literacy and Numeracy continue to focus on complex and abstract concepts. The study of History, sees students moving from learning about themselves and their immediate surroundings, to learning about the impacts of historical events in local and global communities.  In Science, there is a shift in the use of technical components. Students begin to be exposed to the use of Science Laboratories throughout the year to conduct and write about fair tests and experiments. As they begin to mature into young adults, Health subjects cover the concepts of how to look after not only oneself, but their wider community. 

Opportunities abound for our Year 5 and 6 students in particular to take on a variety of leadership positions.  Our Student Leaders liaise with teachers, the staff leadership team, our Secondary Student Leaders and the community not only to develop their own individual leadership skills but more importantly, to represent their peers and make AIS Dubai a wonderful place to learn. The lifelong learning which comes with these invaluable processes are skills which can be taken firmly on their AIS Dubai journey to success and well into their adult lives.

An excellent summary for parents of the Australian Curriculum aims for Years 5-6 can be found here:

Australian Curriculum aims for Years 5 - 6

Further in depth information for each year level can be found via these links:

Content for Year 5

Achievement on a Page: Year 5

Content for Year 6 

Achievement on a Page: Year 6